0 were inspired.Were you inspired?

Letter TO JAIL

I just read your letter, and I wanted to write back write away. I know we are not blood, but we are all created by the same god and I love you brother. I wish you nothing but the best and I will keep you in my prayers so that God can save you and shine his light down on you every single day may you receive his blessing, I pray for god to enlighten you and show you the way to his glory, I pray for god to be your guide through the valley of the shadow of death,, he will save you from its darkness. I BEG YOU FATHER TO TOUCH MY BROTHERS HEART AND GIVE HIM YOUR LOVE! please father I pray that my brothers soul be in your hands and that can save him and bring him home to his family. Please bring him god. I ask you to manifest your power in his heart and bring my brother home to his family a man of peace, a man of love, a man of respect and most importantly a man of God. I pray for you my brother so that you can come home and live with your family and live in peace. I hope God can teach you to be humble and fill your heart with faith, BECAUSE ONLY GOD, my brother ONLY HE can save you! Come back home to your family but don’t forget that GOD CREATED US BOTH and that he saves us EVERY SINGLE DAY GOD SAVES US! and we have to thank him because he loves us and his love for us is what keeps us alive.

Today’s letter was written by Anonymous
Written From: San Diego, CA