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Dear “TheDailyLetter” Creators

I am so glad this has been created by YOU. A site filled with inspiration dripping from words and letters. Beauty told with pixels typed from fingers spanning the globe. Thank you for creating this little garden of wonder within the confines of the world-wide-web. And to the beautiful girl who shared this with me, I love you dearly.

Today’s letter was written by Anonymous Twitter: Blog: Written From: El Paso
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Dear ex,

Hi. I know we were not together for a long time. And I know you feel as though you have hurt me. And you did. But what I want you to know now is that I have forgiven you and I want to make things right.

I just want to thank you.

Thank you for ending it when I could not. Thank you for being there for me and listening, even when you probably just wanted to run away. You saw that we weren’t right for each other, and took charge of the situation, even though you knew it would result in someone getting hurt.

Thank you for respecting me. Thank you for not just being with me because all of our friends are paired off together, and it would have been easy for us to fall together. Thank you for not settling for “good enough,” and not letting me settle either.

I hope one day we can go back to being friends. Not like the way we were before. I don’t think we could ever go back. But I hope we can be friends again. I miss my fellow fifth wheel.


A person who doesn’t want to just be somebody that you used to know.

Today’s letter was written by Anonymous Twitter: Blog: Written From: Kansas
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To the man who opened the door for me today,

You didn’t just make sure I caught the door as you brushed by, on your way to wherever you were going. No. You stopped, opened the door, and stepped aside to let me in. Thank you.

It really is the little things that can make someone’s day.


Today’s letter was written by Anonymous Twitter: Blog: Written From: Manhattan, KS
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Dear Future Husband

Dear Future Husband,

I am so excited to meet you! You have no idea how many years I have longed and waited for you. This road has not been easy. I have been deceived, calling other by your name in my heart. These men who have let me down, broken my heart, betrayed my trust, and left me oh so much more anxious for YOU!

You may not be the first man to love me, kiss me, dance with me. But I promise that you will be the last.

I have reserved all the depths of my heart for you. I have secrets that I have guarded, only to share with you. This fact alone will tell you that I never doubted the fact that you were yet to enter my life one day.

I may not know your face or your heart yet, but I already love you desperately.

You inspire me, free me, make me want to be a better person.

I am so excited for our adventures together, traveling to strange places, Christmas Eve with my family, and swimming in the freezing Pacific Ocean. I am excited to share my heart with you, to share my love with you.

In the meantime, I will wait, as I have been for these last 23 years. Waiting in expectancy for you to walk into my life and steal my heart away. I will pray. Praying as I have been since I was a small child, that you will fall in love with Jesus first. Praying that you will know your identity and strength in Christ. Praying that you will grow into the man you were meant to be, the man who will come and win my heart.

You will be mine and I will be yours, wholly and completely. Unified together. Solid and true.

Oh my dear Future Husband, I love you! I know with all my heart that I will know you when I see you. I know that you will be unexpected and unmatched by all those before, those men who tried and failed to win this heart of mine.

I will wait. You are worth it.

Love, Your One Day Wife

Today’s letter was written by Anonymous Twitter: Blog: Written From: BC
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To The Pita Pit Guy

I really enjoyed my experience at the never busy establishment that you work at. Every time I go there I hope you’re working. Is that weird?

I wish I would’ve asked what your tattoo meant because it’s pretty legit.

Anyways, I hope you’re having a wonderful day. Keep making awesome, delicious food.

Today’s letter was written by Name: Indy Twitter: indaigle Blog: http://runfrom.tumblr.com Written From: USA
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Dear Crazy Ass Lady

Dear Crazy Ass Lady, You frustrate me beyond belief. I can’t even believe that I wasted an hour of my day talking in circles while you rambled on about moot points and useless details about your temporary bank card, only to end up saying the exact same thing I told you 30 times in the previous 45 minutes. What makes it worse is that you ruined my day. You put me on edge and I allowed you to dictate how I reacted to every other circumstance that came along today. I hate you for that. There are only two possible explanations for what happened today: 1. You are bat-shit crazy 2. I’m the shit crazy one, assuming that everything about our conversation was revolving around me and how “not crazy” I am. For all I know, you have a ton of stuff going on in your life that is so much bigger than your debit card, you just needed an outlet. I’m pretty sure it was the first reason ’cause I know I’m not crazy. (Durp) – Dave PS – I’m sorry.
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Dear Flag Lady

Dear Flag Lady

I can’t imagine how your brain passes the time all day, standing in the cold and rain; likely receiving not-so-positive responses from those you must delay.

With the seemingly endless project happening near my house, I admit I have lost patience with all people. Hearing the non-stop construction noise is so grating. You my dear orange & yellow traffic controlling friend, you set my mood right when I drive by you. Each morning and afternoon I’m stopped, though only for a moment, and you present me with a smile that just makes my day, that makes me forget about the mud, noise, and other insignificant things in my life.

I truly hope that you are treated with due respect, but somehow I get the feeling that even if you are not you will still make it a priority to brighten up others’ days.

Today’s letter was written by Name: H.T. 575 Twitter: haikutube Blog: http://haikutube.wordpress.com Written From: Canada
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i just wish i could make you understand that life experiencce is hard and sucks sometimes and you are going to have such heart break with him. it makes my soul cry knowing how much you are hurting and you stay. how many times do you have to get hurt and let down to turn and walk away?? to know that you should respect yourself a little more than what you do. i cry silently for you, you just don’t know it.

mom <3

Today’s letter was written by Anonymous Twitter: Blog: Written From: bed
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The Asshole Has Yet To Die

Dear Rainbow Bright, I’ll be honest, when I first saw you the only thing that popped into my head was how difficult it must be to pick out your clothes so that they match your rainbow coloured hair. That and why the hell would anyone colour their hair and dress the way that you do. But after my “cooler than you” finally took a seat, I wondered how many people’s day you brightened simply by gracing them with your presence (which I’m assuming is as bright and colourful as your appearance). I often, and by often I mean very often, pride myself in the fact that I am a completely different person than the immature, selfish, arrogant asshole I used to be. Truth is, I have lot of work to do yet and I’m sorry it took a few laughs from a 3rd story window at your expense to realize that. Don’t let anyone change the way you express yourself and your beautiful personality; especially assholes like me. – Dave
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Tiny Dancer

Dear Tiny Dancer, There was something special about seeing you today. Maybe it was because there was a smile of pure joy on your face as you were lost in another world, doing something that you love. Maybe it was the pure innocence, recognizing the beauty of a reality that I will never know again. Maybe, just maybe, it was because something behind your bright eyes gave me a glimpse at the hope and excitement which comes so easily to a child of 7 but seems to be such a struggle for a man of 30. Somewhere along the line my hope gave way to sarcasm, pessimism (cloaked by the guise of “realism”), and cynicism. Somewhere along the way I lost the hope of child. Seeing you today helped restore a sense of hope and faith in something that I had lost a large piece of a long time ago. Thank you. – Dave