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Dear hooker who asked me for a ride


I don’t know what you saw in me that made you ask if I would give you a ride across town to 55th/Airport. It wasn’t a far destination, but it wasn’t close by any means. It was late and you looked exhausted. There was not even an ounce of hope in your voice when you called out to me as I unlocked my car outside of a now closing Starbucks.

Furthermore, I don’t know what possessed me to say yes. Frankly, I have never thought less about anything in my whole life. I have a good head on my shoulders and any idiot knows that a girl in her 20s shouldn’t give rides to strangers in the middle of the night.

But I do know that the ride we shared in my truck was the most meaningful conversation I’ve had in a long time. I didn’t lead you to Jesus, and you didn’t bestow upon me some profound life lesson – but for 10 minutes two strangers truly, and legitimately cared about the other one’s life. By no means do we have the same worries, concerns, or difficulties. Life has certainly dealt us different hands, and the world would tell you that I got the better end of that deal. But the heart feels lonely and empty regardless of circumstances, and that night I needed you in my truck just as much as you needed a ride.

So thank you.
Thank you for loving a stranger.
This stranger really needed it.

Today’s letter was written by Name: Twitter: @habakkuk318 Blog: Written From: Austin, TX
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An Open Letter To My Future Wife

Hey Wife,

I hope that you are doing well today. I know that you are and that God is protecting you and your heart. I’m sorry if you’ve ever been hurt. I’m sorry if some guy told you that he loved you and then broke your heart soon after. I’m sorry, but you must know that I’ve done the same (without saying that I love you).

I want you to know that I pray and think about you everyday. I want you to know that I’ll do whatever it takes to fight for you and pursue you. I desire to have what it takes, even if people tell me that I can’t have you or that you’re way out of my league. When we’re together, you make my heart thump more than anything (except for Jesus of course).

You love me regardless of my faults, and I love you equally. God reveals Himself to me through you and He reveals Himself to you through me. We learn about God as we learn about ourselves.

I know that guys get a bad wrap when it comes to cooking, but I want to let you know that, while I may not be the best, I’ll give it a shot. After all, I do make a killer French Toast recipe, or so I’m told. When I see you my heart wells up in side. Not only do I love your outward beauty, but I also love your inward beauty as well. I’ll miss you when I’m teaching everyday. I’ll tell my elementary school kids about you and this will give me an opportunity to share our story with them. Who knows? Maybe it will be a platform for me to lead a few of them to Jesus Christ.

When we get married, we are going to think things are perfect. We’ll go on thinking everything is okay and then we’ll have kids. I’ll try my best to serve you with my all, but I know I’ll fail at times. I’m not perfect and if I was I’d be Jesus. Thank you for showing me love even when I fail.

I realize that we’re going to have our fair share of arguments. My face will probably be red, and sometimes I might take a walk because I’m so mad. But I want you to know that I’m sorry. Would you forgive me?

Thank you for accepting me for who I am and not what I do. I realize that my job is something that I’m going to love dearly, but my identity is found in Jesus Christ.

I don’t think I’ve met you yet, but maybe I have. When I find you, I’m going to pursue you like God pursued me. He knows me inwardly and outwardly, and I want to know the same stuff about you.

Lastly, I wanted to say that there are going to be some things I’ve done in my past that are sad and pretty pathetic. I’m going to tell you these things at some point in our relationship (most likely) before marriage. Some of these things are going to make you mad and sad. You’re going to know me inwardly and outwardly. Thank you for loving and accepting me enough to forgive me for what I’ve already done.

I miss you and hope to find you one day.

Until then, I’m going to talk to God about you.

Today’s letter was written by Anonymous Twitter: Blog: Written From: Puerto Rico
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You make the world go ’round

Dear patient love giver,

I often wonder why it is you wake up beside me each morning in our life and not in someone else’s. God knows there is a better (easier?) place that you could be.

The reality is I’m selfish, inconsiderate, stubborn and short tempered. I’m insecure, scared, and often too much of pansy to jump into the adventures I’ve dreamt for us so many times. You could have (maybe should have) left for someone who was already living the adventure.

You patiently wait.

And not passively either. You work your ass off to keep things in order, raise our kids and push me to be better and bolder, even though I often disregard your encouragement and building up as an obligation.

You stay.

You don’t have to, but you do. Maybe it’s because you know something that I don’t know. Maybe it’s because you know that this thing that I call a “wasted life” is where the real adventure is being lived. Maybe it’s because you know that once I wake up and help live the adventure you’re already living, things will be infinitely better than they ever could be with some other schmuck.

Maybe it’s because you know that if you left I would be devastated, again putting me above yourself.

I don’t deserve you. But you are here. I just pray that when I awake tomorrow you will still be there beside me, anxiously waiting to see if I will start to live the adventure that you’ve already created.

I pray to god I will. I will sure as hell try my best.

I love you.

Today’s letter was written by Anonymous Twitter: Blog: Written From: Canada
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Dear Possible Prince Charmings

Much like myself you probably also grew up watching Disney movies, getting sucked into the impossible stories of fairy tales, adventure and intrigue. No? Well, girls sure did and unfortunately there has been a huge misunderstanding regarding girls perceptions of what a “Prince Charming” is. I’m here to set the record straight.

Girls aren’t actually looking for a Prince Charming. Shocked? You should be. Possible Prince Charmings, you are under the impression you have to deliver a royalty of events in order to win over your princess. This is in fact not the case. You want to know what the ‘princesses’ are looking for? Well her it is. We are looking for someone who will single us out in a room full of people and treat us like we are the first and only girl you have ever met. We are looking for a man who will man up and take us on adventures we could not otherwise have taken ourselves on. We are looking for a man who will treat us with dignity and respect when we are in and out of the room. Strange though, most of these things were also done in Disney movies. Odd how we decide to have selective viewing.

Let me recap what really happened in some of those Disney movies:

Cinderella had NO idea she was dancing and falling in love with Prince Charming until he came looking for her after the ball.

Belle fell in love with a beast. Nuff said.

Jasmine picked a street rat over all the princes that came calling on her. She even preferred to be single over the princes that came calling.

Sleeping Beauty (Aurora) fell in love with what she thought was a popper in the forest. When she was told she had to marry the prince over this popper boy she cried….. A lot.

Rapunzel fell in love with a thief.

Ariel fell for a sailor.

None of these men became the Prince Charming in any of these girls lives until after they had fallen in love with them. This is how it works you know. You find that girl, single her out and love her, treat her right and respect her, show her adventures and laugh together and you might even get to rescue her from a few dragons.

Only after all this do you become her Prince Charming.


Today’s letter was written by Anonymous Twitter: Blog: Written From: Disneyland
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To all the lost ones…

Dear Lost One, It’s hard to imagine the pain, the incredible suffering, that you must have gone through: physically, emotionally, psychologically. It tears my heart out knowing that a life which was meant to be lived in such fullness has been taken. People may say that you took your own life. But I know better. I know better because I took it. Me and every other person who has picked on someone because they’re different: because they don’t look the same way, talk the same way, or believe in the same things that we do. Because they weren’t cool enough. I will never know what it feels like to see things as black and white as you do. I will never know what it’s like to see the world through eyes of someone who as Aspergers. But what your story has encouraged me to do is try. I don’t understand our obsession with grey, as if by being able to blur the middle line enough you can never see when good ends and evil begins we will benefit somehow. The reality is, one may benefit but a whole lot of people lose. For you it was the blatant disregard of what was being done to you on a daily basis: being bullied. We turned our eyes. We said things were okay. We blurred the line. Grey. Our inaction, our selfishness, cost you your life and the many lives of those before you. I am truly sorry. And although I can never tell you this face to face, you are not worthless. Your voice is not silent. Your sacrifice will be remembered forever. – Dave Today’s letter goes out to all those who kids who have lost their life because they were being bullied, and especially to those who are being bullied today. There is no grey: Love One Another. And please go see Bully. It’s in theaters today.
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Dear Kid I Used to Know,

I know things are weird now since you and her broke up (her being my best friend) but remember when we all used to like each other? I hadn’t seen you in months until I saw you tonight with your new girlfriend. You ignored me. I thought we were beyond that. Just because you and her aren’t together doesn’t mean you can’t acknowledge me in public anymore. I’m sorry you’re so confused and I hope that you’ll be able to come back to the God that you know loves you. This isn’t the real you and this isn’t the life that you want. I know you, or I really thought I did.
Love, Caroline

Today’s letter was written by Anonymous Twitter: Blog: Written From: FL
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Dear Christian-College Misfit

Dear Christian-College Misfit.
Please stop worrying that you’re different from the other girls here. Stop loathing your liberalism, stop dragging images into “wedding” documents you hide in your computer…stop fooling yourself. Just because you have 34 of these documents doesn’t change the fact that, deep down, you don’t want to get married. No matter how many of your peers get engaged, no matter how many bridesmaid dresses in jewel tones you find: their dream is not your dream. Be more than okay with this. God made you for a special purpose. He set you free. Before you came here, you owned your eccentricity. Where did that girl go? Wake her up…she’s being smothered. Remember what you once believed.

Today’s letter was written by Anonymous Twitter: Blog: Written From: A dark dorm room
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Dear 12-year-old who sat beside me at The Hunger Games

Dear 12-year-old who sat beside me at The Hunger Games.
Don’t worry. Our society will not choose you at random to engage in a battle royale to the death with other teenagers to keep our city in line and provide entertainment to the rich and famous. We will not sacrifice you for the sake of appeasement, or entertainment. At least, we will not sacrifice your actual body. But we may sacrifice your spirit, your soul, by asking you to play other games by other rules, strange rules that govern the politics of life in this culture. Games and rules that keep us in line, entertained, distracted from better things, higher goals, for the sake of keeping things in line; for keeping US in line. For that, I apologize. May the odds be ever in your favor. And if they aren’t, may you realize that it doesn’t really matter anyways.

Today’s letter was written by Name: Sam Twitter: @@vancvrsam Blog: http://thedefaultlife.com Written From: Kelowna, BC
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Dear the me nobody knows.

What is it about me that nobody really knows me? The real me. The excited by sunshine, afraid of rejection, loves Jesus, but doesn’t follow Him, hates that my spouse doesn’t really talk, and sometimes I ignore her – me. Not the me in the board meeting, the me in the dark, staring at the ceiling thinking things I shouldn’t think.

I invite people in then you shut them down.

I’m sorry and try harder… please.

Today’s letter was written by Anonymous Twitter: @ Blog: Written From: The Indigo Part of the Rainbow
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Dear my upsetting, configurated body.

The stress got to me.

The words got to me.

The stretch marks got to me.

And I wish I didn’t. I am extremely insecure about my body. I have been for the past 3 years, and that is very wrong since I’m only fifteen. I’m 125 lbs, which by all means is not fat at all, but my friends are basically sticks; sometimes I wonder if they starve themselves better than I do.

Today’s letter was written by Anonymous Twitter: @ Blog: Written From: My happy place.