Part of today I really missed Kevin; more than I expected. And I was prideful because I think I should be “over” it by now.. whatever that means. None of my strength is depended on me and I need to remind myself that. I’m a weak vessel totally depended on Christ. I pray Christ will continue to heal me and remind me that he pursues me everyday, to remind me that I did the right thing in honoring Christ and you by ending things with that boy; to remind me that my ultimate desire in marriage is to marry a man who loves Jesus more than he could ever love a wife. To remind me that he has my heart, that he sees my hurt, and will remind me that he has paid my ransom. To remind me that I;m not this super human who has achieves proverbs 31 status yet. I need him to remind me that there is still so much work for me to do as a single; a different kind of work than if I was married serving you as your wife and mother of our sweet babies. I need to be constantly gospaled everyday because I forget the gospel everyday as flawed sinner. I need him to remind me that even if I never get married, Christ is more than enough and better than any human man would ever be to me. I need for him to remind me not to compare myself to my friends who are my age and married. I need him to remind me to settle, not to be discontent, and to run after him with passion. I need him to remind me of resting in where he has placed me. I need him to remind me that he will give me such a peace when you come into my life darling husband and that I won’t have to question if you are pursuing me or what your intentions are for our relationship. I love you so much already now. Take care.
Today’s letter was written by Name: Kristin
Written From: MY DORM ROOM