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Letter to my future daughter

hey peanut,
there are so many things i want to tell you, but the most important one is i love you. you are the most beautiful girl i have ever seen, i want you to love and accept yourself all the time. don’t listen any hate from other people just listen to your mom. i want the best for you, your going to hate me at times but i promise it will be worth it in the long run. just ask your grandma. i want you to participate in as many things as you want, but maintain good grades. i want you to succeed in school. i won’t expect certain grades, but i expect that you put your best effort into everything you do. no matter what! i love you, just remember you can always talk to me. i will forever be here.

Today’s letter was written by Anonymous
Written From: my heart
0 were inspired.Were you inspired?

would you “follow” @neuclare, if i asked nicely?

a friend, met through times of grief, sorrow and darkness like never before.
We touched base from time to time, but I don’t publish much. Still follow him
but cannot send him tweets, ’cause, when I send tweet to him, Twitter says,
“Message could not be sent. Recipient must follow you for note to go thru” – sorrow, sadness, loss and feeling of alienation. Can’t believe this. Used to have open, real time occasional tweets, but geographical change for me, has become a chasm between me, and a special group of “friends” who once were struggling, as I was, and welcomed me, a stranger – every Thursday morning!
Now, all but 2 or 3 precious folk, occasionally send a word. Fewer respond to my response. Is this deliberate? Wishing I would go away, disappear, while I long to keep in touch, with warmth & gratitude, for the friendship they shared, in the flesh. I don’t want to smother, distract, impose or seek benefits from them, other than true, simple, humble humanity – such as SEEMED to be growing, developing and shared around the table.
Are you still there?
Do I still enjoy human status, in your world?
Have I crossed a border, line, deserving punitive exile from y’all?
Grant me, please, the knowledge of my sin, name it for me, that I might see, vet the charge, confess & repent, if real. Restore unto me, the joy of your friendship, that I might live as one who never needs to feel alone and separated from my friends, nay true brothers, on the journey, walking together, as opportunity affords, with the steadfast spirit of unchanging Paraclete, with open arms, embrace, with gentle soul, and ears which hear, hands and heart which really feel, a life too soon become “complete”. Yet let not shortness of time ahead, or breadth of time to expend here, now. For we are offered life, and hope, to live today, as is our hope, for future blessings, not yet fulfilled, yet tasted sweetly, daily, monthly, annually, or when, we are always “ready” to be, what we wish could be, our lot in life, in harmony.
Do I have rights, to claim from you? You’re right I do, and demand them I could. That’s not the way grace and love should come my way, begrudged and burdened because I may retrieve my rights, and force my way. It’s better here, to be granted grace, in and through the freewill of my “other[s]”, for thus they reflect and represent the wonderful colour of Immanuel!
So will you, friend, be gently kind, and show what we all have signed, in our commitment to uphold another, though it cost a price, to be upheld, and offered “paradise”, as one who hung alongside Christ?

Today’s letter was written by Name: Clare
Twitter: @neuclare
Written From: my home in parksville