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Changing the World, One Spray Painted Word At a Time

This throwback to last year was originally dedicated to Dori (aka The Giant) (@DORItheGIANT) for a project she started called Project Goodfitti. It really encouraged and inspired me then and it still does to this day. I’m so glad that she is still creating. Dear Graffiti Girl,
You're doing awesome work putting a positive spin on graffiti. To be able to walk by a wall covered in spray paint and read the words
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It’s Like Rain On Your Wedding Day…

Dear Tall Skinny White Kid,
I found it really ironic and funny that you were wearing a t-shirt with
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Grace vs Illicit First World Expectations

Dear First World Consumer, It hit me like a ton of bricks today as I watched you glare at the cracked screen of your Blackberry while trying to navigate your social media streams: When did perfection become the standard? In our hyper competitive first world continent, it seems as though there is no room for flaw. We need the newest, the best, the fastest and if it's flawed, we deserve it to be replaced for free (even if it was our own damn fault that it got dropped and broke in the first place). Is this the reality in which we live? Are we, as humans, flawless? So why is it that we expect every product or service we use to be something we are not? We expect something from others that we can not in fact deliver ourselves. The sad part is that when we're disappointed, we take it out on the things (and worse, others) we illicitly expected to be perfect in the first place. Where's the grace in that?    -Dave
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Changing the World vs Bickering Children

Dear Bickering Mob,
Do you think we can stop fighting about our differences and embrace the values we actually have in common? Instead of arguing about political or religious views and who's right or wrong can we make an effort to work together? We've bee able to accomplish a lot but thing of how much more could be done if we focused that extra energy towards doing great things together. Just a suggestion.
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Your Value is Not For Us To Determine

Dear Wide Eyed Graduate, I often wonder what's going through your head. A lot of people write you off because you're from a "spoiled" generation who doesn't know the meaning of "hard work". All you do is text and tweet and can't have real engaging conversations because your attention span is 140 characters or less. You know what I say? PROVE THEM WRONG! Don't buy into their system or their illicit view of you. Do great work and change the world.  -Dave
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The Beauty of a Nation Never Seen

Dear Country Traveller, I was a little more than suprised to see the foreign license plate hanging from your bumper indicating that you live on the other side of the country from me. Yet at the same time I was quite encouraged/inspired at the thought that you drove more than 4500 miles sit beside me at a stop light. I can only imagine the beauty of what you've seen in your travels. I hope that one day I will be able to see what you have seen and admire the country in which I am so priviliged to live in the same way you have (even the boring ass prairies).  -Dave
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The Beauty of Innocence

Dear Young Spaghetti Eater,
I loved the way that you wiped spaghetti sauce off your vace with the sleeve of your shirt as if that's excatly what sleeves were designed for. I wish I still had your pragmatic innocence where the only thing that mattered to you in that moment was getting spaghetti sauce off your face; not the stain that will be left there tomorrow.
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The Passion of Your Life’s Work

Dear Italian Coffee Connoisseur, Thanks for giving me an amazing alternative to Starbucks. Your passion for what you di is something to be marvelled. As if that weren't enough, you made my 2 year old daughter's day by giving her a hot chocolate of  her very own. The world is a brighter place because you're in it.  -Dave
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The Gift of Giving vs. Obnoxious A-Hole’s

Dear Giving Partiers, You really are good at sharing. The fact that you would allow the entire block to hear your music is pretty generous. A giving spirit is an amazing quality to have; but can I make a simply suggestion? You may want to confirm that your gift will be well received. Otherwise it's a bit like giving milk to someone who's lactose intolerant.  -Dave
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When Friendships Supersede Time & Space

Dear Far Away Friend, I still remember when we met for the first time and talked forever about metal bands we liked. It's rare to find friendships that supersede time and space. I know that when we hang out again it will be as if not a moment has passed since the last time I saw you. (I just really hope it's soon).