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Ring the Bell for Nostalgia

Yes, I was born a Leo, but others call me brash! One day following a third call within an hour to a friend, I announced myself as, “this is Annoying Dan!” He promptly retorted, “You said it, what else is new?”
At the time, having my residence in Mississippi for 25 years, the first part of which as a week-ender. The next decade found me permanently ensconced in my home fronting the 10th-hole and a bayou behind. However, I neither fished nor putted. Instead, I locked myself in any room that had any of the three computers I used – and began to write.
Upon fleeing New Orleans, I didn’t want to pursue teaching (after 10-years in Public and 20-years as a school Proprietor), nor did I wish to pursue a Computerist’s course (as I had for the previous 30 years). Having been an entrepreneur and well manifested in my independent ways, I found that writing is most satisfying (even if I am the only one to read what I write).
Following Hurricane Katrina, I moved to a new haven where I have only one computer, and yes, I write, and write, and write. And I am happy with my companions and my family who are with me – all meshed compartmentally in my Nostalgia.

Today’s letter was written by Name: Dan
Twitter: http://twitter.com/cojones69
Blog: http://DanEllis.Net
Written From: Eureka Springs, AR
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Dear Team Player

Dear Team Player

You’ve been around for years on our team. One thing I heard you say repeatedly is that you’re a team player. As with anyone, you had your share of mistakes and failure under pressure but your resilience and integrity was never in question.

People can be mean, especially when the chips fall – and because of your position – you usually take “the hit” for the team. Still, however, you walk tall and trust in your integrity; so rare these days and encouraging to see.

I’ll admit, I’ve occasionally been a “finger pointer” when you’ve let me down. Sometimes when decisions are so ludicrous and faulty it’s hard to not criticize, constructively or not.

Well, to no real fault of your own, you are moving on. No one officially asked you to leave but you are wise and knew when it was time. And you requested to leave with such class, again maintaining your loyalty to the team and that you are a team player. “Whatever is best for the team is what the decision is ultimately about.”

Yes, you will definitely be missed. Your impact on our team was record-setting. You’ve helped us more than any other in your position in the past. It’s astonishing how quickly we turn and forget.
I wish you all the best in your next organization and that you’ll take them to new heights.

Roberto Luongo, you really are all-class.

Everyone makes mistakes. I hope that letting you go isn’t one of ours.

A Canucks Fan

Today’s letter was written by Name: Glen Twitter: GlenCochrane Blog: https://plus.google.com/110257423245830118742 Written From: Canada
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Dear girl who guards lives

I see you every day for two or three minutes at the most. I know more about your life than you think I know. My heart breaks for you and if I knew of anything I could do for you, I would do it. But somehow, your 16 year old self stays strong. You are different from your peers in so many ways but that doesn’t deter you. And from afar, I admire you and silently cheer you on. Stay strong. Keep chasing those dreams you’ve shared. And in the meantime, I’ll be here to listen to a few sentences about your day as I walk on by.

Today’s letter was written by Name: C Twitter: Blog: Written From: Washington
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Dear Christian-College Misfit

Dear Christian-College Misfit.
Please stop worrying that you’re different from the other girls here. Stop loathing your liberalism, stop dragging images into “wedding” documents you hide in your computer…stop fooling yourself. Just because you have 34 of these documents doesn’t change the fact that, deep down, you don’t want to get married. No matter how many of your peers get engaged, no matter how many bridesmaid dresses in jewel tones you find: their dream is not your dream. Be more than okay with this. God made you for a special purpose. He set you free. Before you came here, you owned your eccentricity. Where did that girl go? Wake her up…she’s being smothered. Remember what you once believed.

Today’s letter was written by Anonymous Twitter: Blog: Written From: A dark dorm room
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Words of Encouragement or Fleeting Clichés

Dear Hurting Soul, I hate it that I can't fix things. I wish I could but I simply can't. The simple words of encouragement seem to belittle your situation and what you're feeling yet all that comes to mind are fleeting cliches. I aspire to the rock solid resilience, faith and poise which you demonstrate every time I see you, regardless of the immense pain you're feeling. Life may be a bitch, but know you don't walk alone.
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Fighting the status quo, one white haired ponytail at a time

Dear Elderly Woman,  I appreciate the fact that you have kept your hair in a ponytail instead of giving in to the status quo of the short perm. I'm encouraged by your resilience to choose every day to go against the grain.  -Dave