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Stuck in the middle

Dear Middle Man,

It occurred to me this week amidst all of my moaning and bitching that you probably have the worst job possible. Decisions are made that need to be implemented and regardless of which way the outcome goes, you get the shaft. Great outcomes mean that those above you get praised for being so insightful and forward thinking while you get a pat on the back for doing job. But what’s worse is if things don’t go according to plan. When the shit hits the fan you are the one holding the bag, trying to salvage what you can from a decision gone terribly wrong. You are the one that people point fingers at. You are the one who takes the frustrations of those negatively effected by a terrible call. You are the only face that people know to blame.

You are still just doing your job.

That whole saying of give credit where credit is due doesn’t really seem to apply to you. I was once told that there is no such thing as a wrong decision. There are only decisions that lead to other decisions. Regardless of who negative the outcome, there will always be another decision tomorrow.

It’s now my time to decide. I will do my best to decide to put my big boy pants on and quit taking petty crap out on you, The Middle Man.


        – Dave

0 were inspired.Were you inspired?

Making People’s Day, One Chicken Breast at a Time

Dear Blue Haired Meat Seller,

I’m turning thirty, have a full head of gray hair and am so out of shape that I’m starting to resemble Mr. Potato Head. A simple compliment about how cool my hair looks and how the color of my shirt makes it that much better, absolutely made my day.

Everyone has to work at some point. What you reminded me is that it’s not what we’re doing but rather what we DO with what we’re doing.

We can choose to grumble through the school course we hate or shitty job we have making sure that everyone knows how terrible life is and how we are so hard done by. That’s easy. Playing the victim is easy. But instead of focusing on how crappy our situation is and putting our energy towards bringing a bit of light the gloom that may be surrounding others, our crappy situation becomes that much less crappy  because life is not always about us. And we forget that all too often.

“Everyone likes a compliment don’t they?”

That is a question that I will not forget for a very long time.

Thank you.
