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Broken promises

To Whom It May Concern:

I do not think as a black man I will ever get use to racism or discrimination especially when it affects children. It is a dirty and evil thing and it needs to be eliminated from society, but until men hearts are changed and converted that will never happen.

My story begins with this lady/philanthropist offering me a grant for my non-profit mentoring program for at-risk and disadvantaged youths. She stated that my program had all of the credentials and skills needed to offer support and guidance to the youths I serve and she wanted to help. But when she discovered that I was an African-American and that my program helped a large percentage of African-American youths, she decided that my program was no longer in the running for the grant. I asked her, when did my program fall out of the running for the grant? She could not tell me but said that maybe next time.

This makes me angry that in this day and time we are still facing bigots who are still judging people by the color of their skin instead of their character. It hurt me deeply to see this type of behavior, but what hurts more and disappointing is that I will have to tell the children as we were counting on that funding to do some great things. That is the hurting part most of all….

I am proud to be who I am regardless of what others may say or think of me. I am honored to work these youths and I will continue to work them, In spite of people like her. I know that there are genuine people in the world and others like myself who care and want to help make this world of ours a better place for all. I feel sorry for people like her who have the resources to help, but chooses to remain in darkness and refuse to accept people for whom they are but instead judge them by the color of their skin. I am truly sorry but I had to rant and rave on this because this truly bothered me deeply and I had to share, please forgive me. May God have mercy upon her and others like her souls…. God bless you all…

Him who still believes in Hope

Today’s letter was written by Name: Christopher
Written From: USA/Louisiana
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Dear Dreamers

Don’t give up hope. Don’t let anyone steal from you what has been breathed into your DNA. The things you dream about might change the world, might change a community, or might change one life . . . and even just one life would be worth you pursuing the heck out of that dream. So do it. Do what it takes. Put yourself out there, ask for help. Give people the opportunity to show you how much they believe in your dream — you’ll be surprised, I promise. There is no reason for you to sit back and say, “It’ll never happen.” Believe in yourself. I believe in you.

Today’s letter was written by Name: Julie Presley Twitter: jpresley48 Blog: http://www.juliepresley.com Written From: the place where I write
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Tiny Dancer

Dear Tiny Dancer, There was something special about seeing you today. Maybe it was because there was a smile of pure joy on your face as you were lost in another world, doing something that you love. Maybe it was the pure innocence, recognizing the beauty of a reality that I will never know again. Maybe, just maybe, it was because something behind your bright eyes gave me a glimpse at the hope and excitement which comes so easily to a child of 7 but seems to be such a struggle for a man of 30. Somewhere along the line my hope gave way to sarcasm, pessimism (cloaked by the guise of “realism”), and cynicism. Somewhere along the way I lost the hope of child. Seeing you today helped restore a sense of hope and faith in something that I had lost a large piece of a long time ago. Thank you. – Dave
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Girl With The Eating Disorder (Contributed by Lindsay)

Today’s letter was contributed by Lindsay (@lindsholifield) Dear girl with the eating disorder,  You hide in your baggy clothes, hoping no one will see you. You lie and tell them you've already eaten. When you slip away to the restroom after meals, no one suspects a thing. But you are hurting inside. The voice in your head is relentless.  Girl who think she will never be free, I promise you there is hope. You may not believe me, but you are beautiful. You deserve so much more than hurting yourself. There is life on the other side. One day you will live that life.   You are loved more than you will ever know. Let us in, let us hold you tight and whisper grace over you. Let us walk with you towards healing. Together, we're going to make it.   Love, Lindsay
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A Universal Courtesy That Gives Me Hope (or “No Seriously, Where’s Waldo?”)

Dear Side Stepping Pedestrians, I realized today, as my family overtook the boardwalk with our photo shoot, that there is a universal consideration when it comes to people taking pictures. Whether it be a professional shoot or Uncle Bob taking pictures on his iPhone, everyone either stops to wait until the picture is captured or the step around, ensuring that the picture being snapped doesn't turn into a 'Where's Waldo' shot. To me this simple act gives me hope that we are not merely selfish beings that only ever care about ourselves, as some may suggest. We are in fact beings that, even on a subconscious level, don't want to interfere with those capturing a special moment in time. Just think what could happen if we applied this type of selfless universal courtesy  to areas of life other than picture taking.